Publication charter

This publication Charter establishes the rules and procedures that guide the selection of articles and their publication arrangements. It is supplemented by a writing standards that details the submission rules and reporting standards articles.


The Tunisian Center of Musicological Publication (CTUPM) has the following purposes :

  • Enhance the comprehension of musicological questions by suggesting original works in arabic, french and english ; 
  • Participate to transmit knowledge about different musicological approaches ;
  • Enrich the scientific debate by the publication of interesting articles and encourage the dialog between musicologists around the world.

CTUPM working

The Tunisian Center of Musicological Publication is supported by an international scientific committee, that gather many famous specialists in musicology.

Article sending

The CTUPM accept only articles from researchers : Ph-D students, post-Ph-D Students, lecturers , laboratry and research unit teams, etc. Sending articles is submitted to these conditions :

  • The article must comply with CTUPM writing standards.
  • The article should not be the subject of an earlier publication.
  • The linguistic revision of the article is necessary before sending.
  • Articles are sent exclusively by email to the following address:

Articles shape validation

The sent articles to CTUPM for publication will be formally reviewed beforehand by the members of the founding committee.

The author will receive a confirmation e-mail if his article comply with the writing standards in maximum 10 days.

Articles submission

The conforming articles to the CTUPM’s writing standards  will be submitted anonymously by the founding committee to two members of the CTUPM scientific committee, for reading and evaluation. The report time of these two members does not exceed 45 days.

Evaluation procedure

The procedure of evaluation is subject to these conditions :

  • The article is publishable if the two members of the scientific committee give positive reports.
  • The article is not publishable if the two members of the scientific committee give negative reports.
  • The article is returned to its author for review if one or both of the members of the scientific committee give a positive report(s) with corrections. The author must make these corrections within a maximum of 30 days. The corrected article will be sent again for final validation.
  • L’article est soumis anonymement à un troisième membre du comité scientifique s’il n’est pas validé par un des deux premiers membres.
  • If the article is not validated by one of the first two members, it will be submitted anonymously to a third member of the scientific committee for a definitive report.

Terms of publication

After final validation, the founding committee will post the article online. A printable version will be also available.

Important notes

  1. In exceptional cases, a few specific transdisciplinary articles may be submitted to other specialists, who do not belong to CTUPM scientific committee.
  2. The members of the scientific committee, as well as any researcher in music and musicology, are kindly invited to publish their reflections and articles on CTUPM.
  3. Le CTUPM consacre une rubrique destinée aux articles de taille inférieure à 2000 mots. Cette page est dédiée aux pistes de réflexions autour des thèmes musicologiques, aux recensions de livres et de nouvelles parutions et aux interviews avec des musiciens (compositeurs, interprètes) et des musicologues. The CTUPM devotes a section intended for less size articles (under 2000 words). This section is dedicated to reflections around musicological themes, book reviews, new publications and interviews with musicians (composers, performers) and musicologists.