Songs and traditional music in Awlâd sîdî ‘Abîd community (Algerian-Tunisian border)

This article attempts to present the different forms of the sung repertoire of of Awlâd sîdî ‘Abîd community, living in the extended region from the South East of Tunisia (Gafsa – Tozeur) to Tebessa in Algeria. The article also tries to define the musical characteristics of this repertoire through an analytical study of one of its most famous forms: the ṭarg ‘îfî.

A VIAMAP exploration of the Tunisian ṭubūʿ

The fourteen analysed instrumental pieces are taken from the ‎Tunisian repertoire of traditional ṭubu’ – mainly improvisations of Muḥammad Ghānim on rabāb and °Khmayyis° Tarnān onʿūd °ʿarbī° – recorded at the 1932 Congrès du Caire. We show that the tools developed in the last few years allow for a thorough analysis of this repertoire and, mostly, that even the most “simple” performances by renowned musicians have much to tell about the music that they tried to represent at this occasion.


The mizwid in Tunisia : a well-known musical instrument

Author : Rachid Cherif. Any authentic musical discourse tends to reinforce its belonging to its nation or to its ethnic or to its culture. In other words, that discourse cannot be authentic if it ignores its own cultural background especially its tradition.


Ethnomusicology, Anthropology of music: Music first, or Human ?

Author : Mohamed Masmoudi. In this article we explore some of the ethnomusicological question by presenting the theoretical and methodological foundations of the two systematic and culturalist approaches that have often marked the discipline. Secondly, we present the perspectives of a multidisciplinary globalizing vision that draws on Arab theoretical writings, and is illuminated by the product of human scientific effort, in order to grasp the musical phenomenon.