Psychological reflection in musicology

This article is interested in the study of the methodological and practical contribution of psychology to research in musicology. First, we discuss the relationship between the psychological and the musical, high lighting the idea of ​​the psychology of the musical and the musicality of the psychological. In a second step, we present four areas which a rose from the joint interest in the psychological and the musical.


Historical musicology, ethnomusicology, analysis : Is a general musicology possible ?

Author : Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Throughout my career, I have campaigned for scientific knowledge of the musical fact. It was an opportunity to break down barriers between the various academic disciplines. That is why I am particularly grateful to my Tunisian friends to act in favor of musicology by publishing a closing text to my heart, the one where I show the needs for musicology, to grow in the awareness of existence and concerns of each of its individual components…