
Translation experience, a classical work about Tunisian music : Al-aghânî of Sadok Errezgui

Author : Mohamed Messaoud Driss. The historical value of “Al-Aghani” book, written by Sadok Errezgui, and its content, encouraged the author (Mohamed Messaoud Driss) to achieve the current translation. Indeed, this book is considered today as the only reference to the music and songs in Tunisia. The author tried to recall the interest of the book “Al-Aghani” by the necessity and legitimacy of its translation.


Historical musicology, ethnomusicology, analysis : Is a general musicology possible ?

Author : Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Throughout my career, I have campaigned for scientific knowledge of the musical fact. It was an opportunity to break down barriers between the various academic disciplines. That is why I am particularly grateful to my Tunisian friends to act in favor of musicology by publishing a closing text to my heart, the one where I show the needs for musicology, to grow in the awareness of existence and concerns of each of its individual components…


What is Musicology ?

Author : Samir Becha. Abstract : The study of musicology seems an ambitious task. In fact, musicology is requiring a break with the purely technical discourse about music and aspires to a new thought that has its approaches, methodology, terminology, as well as debates leading to the analysis and argument.

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